Rediscover You, Embrace Your Evolution & Live Your Best



Hello and Welcome!

I’m delighted you’re here

If you’ve lingered here, more than likely you fit the profile of a woman in midlife (40+ and counting) and you’re seeking clarity and resolution to your ‘What now’, and ‘What’s next’ questions.

Chances are you’re finding this phase of your life immensely difficult and you may be experiencing some confusion, self-doubt, fear, and despair as you try to navigate your mid-life years.

Instead of viewing this experience as a crisis as a Life Transition Coach I am passionate about helping women thrive by focusing more on embracing this life phase and focusing on the possibilities and opportunities available.

Through personal transformation, women can design and create a life that is authentic joyful, meaningful and impactful.

Which of These Situations Describe You?

You know that you are incredibly talented, blessed with numerous gifts, strengths, and accomplishments, yet you are in a place of unbelievable turmoil, have lost your confidence and just cannot figure out your next move and why you’re stuck.

You’re riddled with self-doubt, frustration and deep despair about what the future holds.

You feel like you’ve never lived up to your full potential and continue to have a deep yearning to finally, finally, figure out how to create and live the magnificent life you’ve always imagined, but you just don’t know how.

You’re doing continuous personal development courses, programs, etc. and it seems like to no permanent effect.


It is normal for any period of transition to be marked by fear, self-doubt and a range of experiences that have you questioning who you are, your purpose and direction.

It is normal to try to figure out what you want for the second half of your life.

It is a journey of self-realization and self-discovery.

It is a time for redefining yourself, recalibrating, reinvention and rebuilding.

A time for fresh starts, new beginnings, new horizons. And also,… a time to let some things go.

Trust that you’ve arrived at this place with everything you need for the new journey.


Congratulations on holding on to the hope that you are deserving of a more meaningful, joyful and fulfilling life.

I will be honored to be on this journey with you as your coach as you move forward, seek and gain clarity, consciously choose who you want to be and deliberately create the life of your dreams.

How exciting that your life and legacy is still being written and that you are an active participant in crafting it!


My life journey in many ways led me to this profession where I support people and women in particular in discovering their best selves, living their best lives and leaving an impact that redounds to the benefit of many.

I was born in Trinidad and Tobago, followed the formula for what was considered a successful life-attend University, have a career (Budget Analyst), marry, have kids (3) beloved pets, own a home, car and the rest.

My life also veered away from the norm.  Then I left my country and lived the Expat life in the USA, Qatar, The Netherlands, and Nigeria. 

I consider myself curious, and adventurous. I am a life-long learner focused on my personal growth and development while on a continuous quest to be the best person I can and leave a legacy for my family and community.


I’ve also experienced, first hand, most of the transitions my demographics have experienced.

The demise of a primary relationship, empty nest, dislocation, self-doubt, loneliness, fear.

It’s run the gamut.

I have felt lost for long periods and been afraid that I would never find my way.

Coaching has been a powerful vehicle through which I have been able to rediscover who I am and recreate a more satisfying vibrant life.

I love my life and I want the same for every woman.

Everyone has a purpose and is deserving of a life they love.

It is my mission to help midlife women rediscover theirs.

I have a great many loves.

The short list is my children and family, my loyal loving friends, reading, traveling, music, great conversations, interior design, fashion, beautiful things, and my precious French Bulldog, Patra.

I also believe with all my heart that it is never too late to be who you’re meant to be; it’s never too late to create your magnificent life.

It takes work but it’s the best kind of work. If you’re here, you are ready. Just reach out.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

– C.G. Jung


“The Best Investment You Can Make Is In Yourself”


A 3 Month (12 Sessions) Introductory Program

An introductory program to introduce the concept of coaching to you if you have had no previous experience of the process. We’ll begin with your issue at-hand, determine the outcome required and coach you to that outcome. In addition, I’ll support you in getting clarity around who you desire to be. In the end you will have a plan of action, requisite resources, and ongoing accountability.

This Is For You If:

• You have never been exposed to coaching

• Feel like you don’t know yourself anymore

• Want clarity on your new identity, who you want to be, how you want to show up

• Want to understand your limiting beliefs and what has kept you stuck

• Want support in creating a new vision for your life

• Need accountability

What’s Included:

• First Session- up to 90 min Phone/Skype Call

• Subsequent sessions up to 55 minutes Phone/skype Calls

• Prep work pre-sessions

• 20 minutes monthly check in/accountability sessions

• 24-48 hour response to concerns, questions by text or email


A 6 Month Deep-Dive Program

A 6-month program where we take a deeper dive into your life, vision, goals, shifting your perspectives and enabling you to experience a deeper level of growth and development through continuous support and accountability. This longer time period allows the transformation to take stronger root.

This Is For You If:

• You have had at least a 3 months experience of coaching

• You want to learn more about yourself

• You have a desire a better understanding of your challenges

• You desire more strategies for addressing your challenges

• You want support as you flesh out the grand plan for your life

What’s Included:

• First Session- up to 90 min Phone/Skype Call

• Subsequent sessions up to 50 minutes Phone/skype Calls

• Prep work pre-sessions

• 20 minutes monthly check in/accountability sessions

• 24-48 hour response to concerns, questions by text or email


A One Year Program For Sustainable Transformation

You will experience a remarkable shift from the beginning of the partnership to the end of the coach/client relationship. You will absolutely love who you have become in the process and the life that you have consciously created.

You will be armed with the requisite tools, strategies, and resources to weather the inevitable new challenges that may arise.

You’ll feel stronger and best equipped to cope with the ebbs and flows of life and will be prepared to make the impact you’ve desired in your life, your relationships and in your community.

This Is For You If:

• You have never been exposed to coaching

• A client committed to doing the work for the long haul to have the life they desire

• A client desirous of plumbing the depths to get the results they desire

What’s Included:

• First session- up to 90 mins

• Subsequent sessions up to 60 minutes

• Prep work pre-sessions

• 20 minutes monthly review for the first two months in every quarter

• 30 minutes quarterly review

• 24-48 hour response to emails and texts

• I hour end of year review and exit interview


Local workshops to be conducted monthly on topics relevant to the midlife women community where they learn and grow and acquire strategies that empower them.

Check back soon for more details on the upcoming workshop.

One-Off Sessions

30 Minute coaching

Come with a pressing challenge. I help you weed out the extraneous and coach you to arrive at your solutions and a plan to action to move forward.

60 Minute coaching

You get more time to address a challenge that feels overwhelming. We focus on the main issue, the outcome you desire and create an action plan of next steps.


20 minute free strategy session for both Coach and Client to interview each other and determine if they are both a good fit


“You’re always one decision away from a totally different life”

I am truly looking forward to connecting with you.

You can submit a request in the contact form below. Expect a response within 24-48 hours.

2 + 8 =

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook and connect with me through those platforms as well.

I care about you. I care about your well-being, your joy, your life. I know YOU CAN create the life you desire. Take a chance on you.

free guide

Grab a copy of this book list which I have found very useful in understanding the midlife journey.